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Daisy is the girl who previously owned Chuckles, Lotso (who would later take over Sunnyside Daycare), and Big Baby in Toy Story 3.

Toy Story 3[]

Woody: "She loved you, Lotso."
Lotso: "She never loved me!"
Woody: "As much as any kid ever loved a toy."
―Woody and Lotso arguing more[src]

When Woody stayed at Bonnie's house after Bonnie took him there, Bonnie's toys directed Woody to Chuckles when Woody mentioned Sunnyside. Chuckles told Woody about how he, along with Lotso and Big Baby, was once loved by Daisy, living at her house. In a flashback, she unwrapped a Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear doll for Christmas and had a lot of fun playing with him, Big Baby, and Chuckles. During a picnic, Daisy had lunch and then fell asleep. She got driven home by her family who forgot Lotso, Big Baby, and Chuckles. They waited day and night for her to return, but she never did. They then decided to go back to Daisy's house by themselves. But unfortunately, Daisy bought another Lotso doll in order to compensate for the original Lotso that she had accidentally lost during the picnic. Lotso was envied by this, which made him snap, so he stormed off with Big Baby and Chuckles, and took over Sunnyside Daycare to ruin the whole idea of the concept and turned it into a prison for toys. Daisy was never seen again from this point on.

When Lotso and his gang corner Woody and the rest of Andy's toys at the dumpster, Woody confronts him about Daisy. Lotso instantly gets upset, and says that Daisy had thrown him out, replaced him, and never loved him at all. But Woody corrects Lotso saying that Daisy had lost her three best toys and only replaced Lotso. He says if Lotso couldn't have her, then no one could. He also confronts Lotso for bitterly stating to Big Baby and Chuckles that Daisy had replaced all of them. While the argument escalates, Woody throws the pendant that Chuckles gave him to the other side of the dumpster where Big Baby picks it up and, remembering Daisy, sniffles, "Mama." Lotso furiously snaps as he angrily snatches the pendant away from Big Baby and smashes it into pieces with his cane, which makes Big Baby start crying. Lotso then orders his henchmen to push all of Andy's toys into the dumpster, then insults Big Baby and abusively jabs him in the chest, and rants about the meaningless value of toys. Angry at Lotso and having become fed up with all of his fabrications, Big Baby finally stands up to the bear, lifts him up (which makes Lotso drop his cane), throws him into the dumpster, and closes the lid shut. Big Baby then blows a raspberry directed at Lotso.


  • In the terms of a "lost toy", replacing it does not equal neglecting the original toy, but would signify the special bond between the toy and the owner. Daisy had loved Lotso so much that she couldn't accept the fact that he was lost, which is why her parents replaced him with the other toy bear. Woody seemed to be clearly aware of this when he told Lotso that Daisy had loved him. Woody also makes the point that it was in fact Lotso who abandoned Daisy, as he was really upset for losing his place in the spotlight and he felt that if he couldn't have her, no one else should either. Chuckles knew that Daisy loved Lotso, but may have never gotten the opportunity to tell him because he was silenced and possibly later imprisoned at Sunnyside. Had Lotso understood this, he could have redeemed himself.
    • Daisy was technically the cause of Lotso's corruption for the majority of the film (in this case, she caused it by having her replacement Lotso make the original Lotso jealous and bitter, leading to his villainy for the film's majority).
  • It is unknown if it was Daisy's parents or Daisy herself who replaced Lotso.
    • It is unknown if Daisy was aware that the replacement Lotso is a new doll and just accepted it in the original's place (as Lotso claimed that she did), or if Daisy was unaware that it was a replacement because her parents bought her another Lotso without telling the girl that it is a new doll to make her happy again.
  • While similar, Jessie's backstory was indeed much more depressing. Rather than being replaced by another toy, she was replaced by adolescence, as her owner Emily had grown too old for her.
    • Even in spite of this, Jessie was simply depressed over her loss, showing that she was still attached to Emily and eventually came to forgive her for leaving her. Lotso, on the other hand, was angered and jealous that he was no longer the center of attention.



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