GO-4 is a gopherbot built by the Buy n Large Corporation tasked with overseeing security operations aboard spacecraft, as well as handling other miscellaneous tasks.
They are quite small and easily recognizable due to the red police light atop their bodies. GO-4 is equipped with two salute-ready arms and an anti-gravity stasis beam (similar to that of Stewards). For communication, they had various beeps and other sounds and a cat-like hiss for rage. GO-4 units also can deliver coffee to superiors (although never seen in-film).
One GO-4 unit served aboard the Axiom as the Captain B. McCrea's first mate and helped Auto in his attempt to carry out Directive A-113. He was accidentally destroyed when he attempted to assist AUTO in taking down Captain B. McCrea and was kicked and sent flying through a window and crashing down near one of the swimming pools in the Lido Deck.
GO-4 used his personal elevator system to move fast around the Axiom. The entrances/exits of the elevator were usually at Steward Kiosks; the places where SECUR-T (Stewards) would wait inactive until they were needed. The elevator also granted GO-4 access to the captain's quarters.
Other Appearances[]
- GO-4 appears briefly in the short movie BURN-E.
- GO-4 also appeared in the video game, but he does not get destroyed.
- The name GO-4 is a pun on how personal assistants are often referred to as "gophers" - a verbal pun as they are often sent to "go for" things.