Honey Best is Lucius Best's (a.k.a. Frozone) wife in The Incredibles and Incredibles 2.
The Incredibles[]
Honey is not seen in either of the 2 films but is heard. She was lied to by Lucius every Wednesday when he said he was going bowling with Bob Parr (a.k.a Mr. Incredible), but he was really fighting crime.
Honey is more than likely friends with Helen Parr, as Helen says to Lucius, "Say hello to Honey for me.".
Near the end of the film, when Lucius notices an Omnidroid (sent by Syndrome) attacking the city, he decides to jump into action and get his supersuit, only to find it missing. He asks Honey where she has hidden it, but she doesn't want him to go out to do some derring-do because of the dinner they had been planning for two months and doing so will put her evening in danger. Lucius tries to claim he is doing it for the greater good, only for Honey to retort that as his wife she is the greatest good he is ever going to get. Lucius eventually reclaimed his suit, though it is unknown if he eventually found it, or Honey gave it to him––though the latter seems unlikely.
In a deleted scene from the sequel, upon noticing the Underminer's drill crashing through the city, Honey is seen frantically trying to hide the supersuit as Lucius tries to retrieve it.
- Lucius Best: "Honey?"
- Honey: "What?"
- Lucius Best: "Where's my supersuit?"
- Honey: "What?"
- Lucius Best: "Where? Is? My? Supersuit?!"
- Honey: "I, uh, put it away."
- (A helicopter explodes outside.)
Lucius Best: "Where?!" - Honey: "Why do you need to know?"
- Lucius Best: "I need it!"
- (Lucius rummages through another room in his condo)
Honey: "Uh-uh! Don't you think about running off to doing no derrin'-do. We've been planning this dinner for two months!" - ―Lucius argues with Honey about where his supersuit is[src]
- Lucius Best: "The public is in danger!"
- Honey: "My evening's in danger!"
- Lucius Best: "You tell me where my suit is, woman! We are talking about the greater good!"
- Honey: "Greater good? I am your wife! I'm the greatest good you are ever gonna get!""
- ―Lucius continues arguing with Honey[src]