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Mirage is a character in The Incredibles. She started out as a supporting antagonist, but in the end was reformed.

The Incredibles

Mirage is the right-hand woman of Syndrome, having assisted him in killing off superheroes to further his plans. Mirage has been conducting surveillance on Frozone for some time with the intent of making him the next superhero to be killed in Operation Kronos.

During Frozone's covert superhero work, he is spied upon by Mirage, who sees he is friends with Mr. Incredible. Thus, she recommends that Syndrome reshuffle his priorities and instead lure Mr. Incredible into Operation Kronos, as Mr. Incredible is the one Syndrome is looking for.

Mirage next appears in the screen of a panel that Bob Parr (Mr. Incredible's civilian alter ego) encounters upon when dumping his belongings pertaining to Insuricare after he is fired from job. Matching Bob to Mr. Incredible, Mirage summons him to Nomanisan Island, needing his help in bringing a "highly experimental prototype robot" that is posing a threat the facility on the island under control. She promises more salary to Bob if he accepts and gives him instructions on how to contact her before the panel self-destructs. Bob telephones Mirage, telling her he is in for the task. While riding a manta jet en route to Nomanisan Island, Mirage tells Mr. Incredible about the dangers of the Omnidroid and instructs him to disable the learning robot quickly as he can without destroying it or losing his life. After Mr. Incredible succeeds in shutting down the Omnidroid he has faced, he joins Mirage for dinner and asks her where his host is, to which she replies that the mysterious host is unable to join them as he "prefers a certain amount of anonymity."

Later, Mirage contacts Mr. Incredible and gives him a new assignment, summoning him back to Nomanisan Island. When Mr. Incredible, clad in new red super-suit (since his old suit has been ripped), returns to the island and meets Mirage again, she notes his new suit and that he has lost weight (but not his appetite) before he goes on his way. Arriving at the guest quarters, Mirage tells him to be at room A113 at two for him to be briefed on his next assignment, leading him to be confronted by another Omnidroid, as well as its creator and his host: Syndrome.

Mirage later catches Mr. Incredible in a secret chamber behind the lava fall after the tracking device on Mr. Incredible's suit is activated by his wife Helen Parr, a.k.a. Elastigirl, giving away his location. After Mirage and Syndrome imprison Mr. Incredible in a containment unit, Syndrome interrogates Mr. Incredible on whom did the he contact and instructs Mirage to play the transmission, on which Helen's voice is heard expressing distress as Syndrome has sent missiles to destroy a plane Helen is piloting. Mirage reacts in horror upon hearing Helen's voice warning that there are children—Dash and Violet, son and daughter of Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl, respectively—aboard the plane. After the plane is destroyed, Mirage sadly and solemnly confirms the news, and Syndrome taunts Mr. Incredible on his preference to work alone. Mr. Incredible, in a fit of rage, lunges for Syndrome, but Mirage, seeing the danger, shoves Syndrome out of the way so that Mr. Incredible grabs her instead. Mr. Incredible threatens to crush Mirage unless Syndrome frees him, to which an unimpressed Syndrome dares him into doing so, calling his bluff. Finding himself unable to commit such acts of murder, Mr. Incredible releases Mirage, who becomes doubtful on Syndrome's declaration that Mr. Incredible is weak.

Mirage tries to tell Syndrome about his misjudgments on Mr. Incredible and valuing/disregarding life, but Syndrome expresses his pride and proudness of himself over what has happened in the containment unit. Disappointed in his way of viewing things, Mirage tells Syndrome to bet his own life the next time he gambles and walks away, leaving Syndrome confused by her words. After Dash and Violet inadvertently sets off an alarm, Mirage realizes that Mr. Incredible's family has survived the plane crash. She returns to the containment unit and frees Mr. Incredible, who initially attacks her by lifting her up by her neck and interrogates her on her decision to free him. Gasping for air, she replies that his family is alive and on the island. Relieved, Mr. Incredible releases her and hugs her, but just then Elastigirl arrives and, completely misunderstanding the situation, knocks Mirage down to the ground, but not before Mirage attempts to introduce herself to her. As Mr. Incredible pulls Elastigirl into an embrace and reconciles with her, Mirage then warns them that their kids have triggered the security alarms and are being pursued in the jungle, prompting the parents to rush to their rescue.

Unfortunately, Syndrome captures the Incredibles, though unaware of Mirage's betrayal. Syndrome then leaves to "save" Metroville from his Omnidroid 10. As all the guards watch the Omnidroid's rampage on the news, Mirage notices that the Incredibles has escaped again. She then goes the hanger control room, where the Incredibles formulates a plan to take a rocket to reach Metroville and use the coordinates from the last launch, but Mr. Incredible surmises that Syndrome has changed the password to stop them from programming the destination. As he ponders on how the family is going to access the computer, Mirage speaks over the intercom to say "please." With help from Mirage, the Incredibles are able to return to Metroville to stop the Omnidroid and foil Syndrome's plan of Operation Kronos for good.


Mirage is clearly a calm, decisive intellectual who thrives upon power, but seems to put her desire for power in check, unlike Syndrome, who did not know his limits.

Mirage is an attractive woman with light blonde hair.

At first, Mirage respected Syndrome as a boss and as a person, but she didn't like the way in which he was callous about wasting life. Even though it is apparent she shares Syndrome's hatred of superheroes, she was clearly ill at ease with Syndrome opening fire on Elastigirl's plane when she learned children were aboard.


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Mirage wearing her black dress.

  • Mirage's voice strongly suggests a Central American or European accent.
  • Despite her voice actress, Elizabeth Peña, having a Spanish last name, and the ability to speak Spanish, she doesn't dub her own voices for Spanish-language releases.
  • Mirage's skill in locating superheroes seems to show that she has extensive computing skills and is adept at human intelligence (HUMINT).
  • One of her other infamous outfits is a long black dress, which she wore when she had dinner with Mr. Incredible.
  • The phone number on Mirage's business card reads (866) 787-7467. On a typical telephone keypad, this translates into "SUPRHRO."
  • Mirage being held up by her neck, choked, and interrogated by Mr. Incredible and using both her hands in an attempt to wrench herself from his grip (after she frees him) mimics a scene from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope where Darth Vader holds up a rebel soldier by his neck and chokes him while interrogating him.