Purl is the first SparkShorts short film produced by Pixar and is part of Pixar's series. It premiered at Siggrph 2018. The short was first announced by Kristen Lester on her Twitter account. It was released on YouTube on February 4, 2019, before being subsequently released on Disney+ in late 2019.
Purl is a ball of yarn who arrives for her first day of work at B.R.O. Capital. She is excluded by all of the other employees until she knits herself to look rectangular (more like a human). She is then accepted by all of the other employees. After that, another ball of yarn named Lacy is hired, and is also excluded by the other employees. Purl realizes that she shouldn't have to be more like a human to be accepted. In the end, there are many more balls of yarn who work at the company.