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"Welcome to Sunnyside, folks!"
Lotso greeting Andy's toys
Sunnyside Daycare sign

The entry sign outside Sunnyside

Sunnyside Daycare is a preschool/childcare facility where Andy's toys get accidentally donated in Toy Story 3.


"Sunnyside is a place of ruin and despair, ruled by an evil bear who smells of strawberries."
Mr. Pricklepants, describing the irony of the location's name thanks to Lotso's tyranny

Early concept artwork showing Sunnyside's appearance during day and night.

Sunnyside Daycare was once a great place for toys to be played with until Lotso arrived after being replaced by his original owner Daisy. He took over Sunnyside, turning it into a place where only some toys got the privilege of being played with by nicer kids in the Butterfly Room while the rest, such as Andy's toys, were subjected to being chewed, kicked, and drooled on by the rowdy toddlers in the Caterpillar Room. He only let toys that he thought were special into the better part of Sunnyside, which was almost a paradise for toys. He also established his gang of toys who would patrol around Sunnyside to ensure that all toys assigned to the Caterpillar Room would never escape.

When Andy's toys came to the daycare, they ended Lotso's rule over Sunnyside. Barbie and Ken became its new leaders and transformed Sunnyside. They restored the daycare to its original environment, created programs to assist the toys that were roughly played by the toddlers, and warmly welcomed toys such as Emperor Zurg, Sarge and the Army Men to their happy home.


Sunnyside is a bright building with a rainbow in the doorway that is made up of many different rooms, dividing the different aged kids. The Butterfly Room is where the older kids are being taken care of. They are civilized and know how to play peacefully with their toys. This is where most donated toys were dropped off originally. The Butterfly Room has boxes full of scraps and spare parts in case any toys are broken and is also the room where Ken's Dream House was. Younger children and toddlers who do not know how to play with toys properly are kept in the Caterpillar Room, and this is where Lotso and his gang brought new toys so they wouldn't have to be mishandled by the toddlers. There is also a vending machine down the hall from the Caterpillar Room where Lotso and his gang would have secret meetings at night and gamble. Sunnyside Daycare is complete with a playground, a sandbox, and a garden as well as a garbage chute that leads to a dumpster outside of the facility, which, according to Chatter Telephone, is the only way out.

Butterfly Room[]

Butterfly Room

Children playing in the Butterfly Room

The Butterfly Room is a room reserved for preschool children and above. They were civilized and knew how to play peacefully with the toys. This is where most donated toys were dropped off originally.

The Butterfly Room has boxes full of scraps and spare parts in case any toys are broken, a repair spa, and is also the room where Ken's Dream House is, as shown in Barbie's tour sequence and her double cross.

In the end credits, Sunnyside is shown to be transformed into a cool and groovy paradise for all toys by Barbie and Ken. Toys from the Butterfly Room take turns enduring a rough playtime with the toddlers in the Caterpillar Room while toys from the Caterpillar Room are welcomed into the Butterfly Room to enjoy a nice playtime with the preschoolers. In addition, discos are held in the Butterfly Room at night for all toys to enjoy.

Caterpillar Room[]

"And here's where you folks will be staying: the Caterpillar Room."
Lotso assigning Andy's toys to the Caterpillar Room
Caterpillar Room

Andy's toys in the Caterpillar Room

The Caterpillar Room, opposite the Butterfly Room and located across the corner of the only corridor, is a room reserved for toddlers and also the primary location for Andy's toys (aside from Woody as he was in the care of Bonnie at her house). This room features a Chatter Telephone, Billy's toys, and three Pop-Ups.

Lotso and his gang brought new toys to this room so they themselves wouldn't have to be mishandled by the toddlers. The staff in this room seem to be very lax on their rules, and the wild toddlers of the Caterpillar Room are shown to have no sense or respect for treating toys properly. Rex reaches for the door but is knocked to the side when the toddlers come in. He is then ridden by a toddler like a hobbyhorse, making his tail fall off roughly; Buzz is licked on his helmet and used as a hammer on a peg board; Jessie is used as a paintbrush; Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head are dismembered part to part, their pieces are chewed on and even drawn upon as well; Bullseye is forced to ride roughly on a Fisher-Price pushable Corn Popper toy, getting caught on a wheel and falling off; the Aliens are bounced on; Slinky's spring gets tangled (with the Aliens); and Hamm gets filled with random toy pieces (one of them being Mrs. Potato Head's arm) and has pasta and glitter stuck to his back with glue. Then at night, Losto's gang had Andy's toys imprisoned in the wire cubbies, with the baskets functioning as cells.


The lounge is a room for the staff of Sunnyside to take periodic breaks. In the lounge is a vending machine from where snacks can be purchased.

Vending Machine[]

Vending Machine

Lotso's gang gambling inside the vending machine

The vending machine used to be a secret hideout where Lotso and his gang had secret meetings at night and gambled.


The office is another room reserved for the staff of Sunnyside. Children attending the daycare are not allowed in the office. The office features the Monkey, a nighttime security guard assigned by Lotso.

Inside the office are monitors linked to security cameras all over the daycare, a joystick that pans one of the cameras (selected by a numeric keypad right next to the joystick), a PA system, filing cabinets (one of which the Monkey, wrapped in a tape, is tossed into), and a bulletin board on which keys of the daycare doors are kept.


Mr. Potato Head: "It was cold and dark, nothing but sand and a couple of Lincoln Logs."
Hamm: "Eh, I don't think those were Lincoln Logs."
Mr. Potato Head and Hamm, after Potato Head's first night in the Box[src]
The Box

Big Baby taking Mr. Potato Head to the sandbox

The sandbox, referred to as "the box", is located in the playground and used as a punishment by Lotso for any toy that would break his rules. Any infraction of any rule whatsoever would result in a toy prisoner spending a night in the Box. Mr. Potato Head was thrown into the Box twice by Big Baby.

After Sunnyside is transformed by Ken and Barbie, the Box becomes a beach for all the daycare toys to play beach volleyball, make sand castles and sunbathe.

Additional features of Sunnyside Daycare include bathrooms, a playground, a garden, and a garbage chute that leads to a dumpster outside of the facility.


"Daycare is a sad, lonely place for washed-up old toys who have no owners."
Sunnyside Daycare Toys

"New toys!"

Sunnyside is home to hundreds of toys. Some of the most prominent are named below.

*Used to be a member or an affiliate of Lotso's Gang

Other Toys[]

Along with the toys above, there have been many more toys in Sunnyside. All of these toys are very minor characters.


  • A toy version of Mr. Ray from Finding Nemo appears.
  • Some of the toys from Tin Toy cower under a table as the children storm through the door of the Caterpillar Room.
  • There is a Lightning McQueen toy made out of wood.
  • A kid in the daycare has a T-shirt with a "95" on it. This is the year the original Toy Story movie came out (1995) and Lightning McQueen's number.
  • A Green Army Men bucket can be seen (long before Sarge and his soldiers arrive during the credits) while Lotso shows Andy's toys around the daycare.
  • Lee Unkrich, the director of Toy Story 3, does the voice of a Jack-in-the-Box. The Jack-in-the-Box has only one line ("New toys!"; stated twice).
  • One of the cars in Cars is sponsored by Re-Volting. The toys at Sunnyside were gambling with Re-Volting batteries.
  • In the credits, a Pixar Ball can be seen being bounced by the toys during a party in the sandbox. The ball also appears on an outside tile.
  • Having smaller kids in the Caterpillar Room and bigger kids in the Butterfly Room is a reference to how caterpillars turn to butterflies. When small kids get older, they become big kids. When caterpillars get older, they become butterflies.
  • When Woody escapes Sunnyside through a bathroom window, he is spotted by a man using the sink. By the time Woody makes it outside, the man wipes off a circle of water, just large enough to obscure Woody, from the mirror and says, "There, that's better!"
  • The "weaving" of the cubby bins in the Caterpillar Room resembles prison bars.
  • It is unknown why the daycare had a Buzz Lightyear toy manual, unless the place once had a Buzz Lightyear action figure themselves.
  • One of the Memory Orbs, which appeared in Inside Out, shows Riley playing on a playground which is almost identical to the playground of the daycare.





Concept Art[]


