Possibly inspired by...[]
one or more of several real-life books? (e.g. "How to Cook Everything" (1998) (Bittman) comes to mind as an existing book for the amateur cook-or-chef, but there are many, many others... I suppose I think of that one because it's the one in my collection :) ) Eschiss1 (talk) 23:47, October 14, 2013 (UTC)
- Great question, I actually came here wondering what this book might have been based on. I know August Gusteau was at least partially based on Bernard Loiseau, but the book itself actually made me think of Julia Childs 'Art of French Cooking', but I dunno. Scoundr3l (talk) 15:16, 29 October 2020 (UTC)
Original title?[]
I realize Gusteau is French, but does the film ever actually say that the book's original title is Tout le Monde peut Cuisiner? Maybe it was originally published in English. Gustea is shown at a signing of the English version (presumably touring the new release) and the critic reacts to the English version, so at the very least it was immediately available in English and not a later translation. Is there a source on the original title claim? It sounds like 'original research', as they say on Wikipedia, or an editor taking an assumption and running with it. Of course it would say the French title in the French version of the film (so French viewers can read it) but that doesn't mean it's the original title within the context of the movie.Scoundr3l (talk) 15:38, 29 October 2020 (UTC)