Pixar Wiki
Pixar Wiki

Municiberg and Metroville[]

It seems like this article is confusing two cities: Municiberg and Metroville. The city which Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl protected in the past was Municiberg. When they were relocated by the government under the aliases Bob and Helen Parr, they came to live in Metroville. It is this city that Syndrome menaced with the Omnidroid, choosing this target once he learned it was the current residence of Mr. Incredible. Is that correct, and should this page be split into two? --RockSunner (talk) 18:16, May 29, 2013 (UTC)

Yes, you are correct, good catch! I agree, this page should be broken up into 2 pages, one each for Municiberg and Metroville. I doubt I'll get time to do this, so if you feel up to it, go for it! Otherwise maybe someone else will jump in and do it. Thanks! --Jeff (talk) 18:42, May 29, 2013 (UTC)
I went ahead and created the page, mostly by just transferring content from the Metroville page. There's still some adjustments to do. Feel free to do any changes. Also, one comment: I'm not sure Edna's villa is located in Metroville ? Gray Catbird (talk) 20:44, May 29, 2013 (UTC)

Location Pic[]

I found the reading pictures version where Metroville is. Iknowfishfolk (talk) 03:35, November 23, 2017 (UTC)
