Pixar Wiki

Rip Clutchgoneski or Clutchgoneski ?[]

On the actual image it's true it's written "Clutchgoneski". But his complete name is Rip Clutchgoneski, so why not put it ? Usally we put the complete name of the character...I think the character is named "Clutchgoneski" only on this image...Gray Catbird 20:58, April 28, 2011 (UTC)

Why is a rookie in the World Grand Prix?[]

I was kind of wondering why would Rip Clutchgoneski be in the World Grand Prix if he's a rookie? The World Grand Prix is a competition against the best racing champions from around the world. I don't see how a rookie could be also one of the best racers in the world.

It's because Rip isn't recognized as one of the best racers in the world. He is unknown of the public, he has succeeded to get to the World Grand Prix only because of his outstanding skill...Gray Catbird 00:07, November 19, 2011 (UTC)

Is this his alternate name? http://x3.wykop.pl/cdn/c3201142/comment_8Pgsacbp8xNuFMVSRkUU88WGkDsOugqa.jpg

If I remember correctly, that's his name in another language, German I think.--Gray Catbird (talk) 25px-Gray_catbird_cars.jpg 21:16, May 5, 2017 (UTC)