Toy Story 2 ABC Interstitials are a series of short interstitials made by Pixar Animation Studios that were used for commercial breaks on ABC in 2000, shortly around the time of the VHS and DVD release of Toy Story 2. The shorts largely focus on Woody, Buzz, Mr. Potato Head, Mrs. Potato Head, Rex, Hamm, the Aliens, as well as some of the minor toys seen in Andy's room.
- Tom Hanks , Jim Hanks - Woody
- Tim Allen, Pat Fraley - Buzz Lightyear
- Don Rickles, Pat Fraley - Mr. Potato Head
- John Ratzenberger - Hamm
- Jeff Bennett, Wallace Shawn - Rex
- Jeff Pidgeon - Aliens
- Estelle Harris - Mrs. Potato Head
These shorts were only released onto Pixar's Made in Point Richmond DVD.
Short # | Title |
01 | Monday Night Football |
02 | Sportscaster |
03 | Good Morning America |
04 | Happy Thanksgiving |
05 | Holiday Buzz |
06 | Aliens Sing |
07 | Woody New Year |
08 | Aliens Daytime |
09 | Aliens Nighttime |
10 | Remote Daytime |
11 | Remote Nighttime |
12 | Rex :05 |
13 | Rex :10 |
14 | Soap Opera |
15 | Aliens (The View) |
16 | Aliens (Drew Carey Show) |
17 | Aliens (Millionaire Show) |
- Animation of the Aliens going "Ooooooh" was reused and tweaked for Toy Story's 10th Anniversary DVD Menu. Them standing in front of the TV however looks different, most likely new animation.