Toy Story Toons is a short series based on the Toy Story franchise. The series of shorts take place after the events of Toy Story 3. The first episode, Hawaiian Vacation, was released with the theatrical release of Cars 2. A second episode titled Small Fry was shown with the theatrical release of The Muppets.[2] The third episode, Partysaurus Rex, was released with the theatrical 3D release of Finding Nemo.[3]
Future Episodes[]
According to an online catalog from Disney Publishing Worldwide, two new episodes are currently in development, as well as that all the episodes will be shown on TV in 2012 and beyond.[4] One of the two upcoming episodes is called Mythic Rock.[5] All episodes will air on Disney Channel, Disney XD, and Freeform. As of 2023, no such episodes have been made or announced, and it is unknown if more will be made.
The first episode of the series, Hawaiian Vacation, was first announced by Lee Unkrich in July 2010. As quoted: "We have announced we're going to do a short film in front of Cars 2 that uses the Toy Story characters. We're going to keep them alive; they're not going away forever."[6]
On February 3, 2011 Tom Hanks recorded new dialogue for Woody as seen in his tweet on Twitter: "3 directors boss "Woody" around for Toy Story shorts. Come on, guys!", meaning he was recording for more than one episode.[1]
- Tom Hanks' tweet, followed by a link to the third image above on the right, suggests that Angus MacLane, Bobby Podesta, and Mark Walsh will direct one or more of the Toy Story Toons. Each Pixarian mentioned is a proven leader - one director and two supervising animators, respectively. MacLane directed Small Fry, and Walsh directed Partysaurus Rex, leaving Bobby Podesta the possible directing chair.
- The series has been created due to the enormous success of Toy Story 3 and constant questions from fans requesting a fourth film.
- This is one of the few times that Tom Hanks returns to voice Woody in a piece of Toy Story media that is not a feature film.